Industrial 5G User Guide

Industrial 5G User Guide

Industrial 5G User Guide

Industrial 5G User Guide

Welcome to the Industrial 5G User Guide from the 5G ACIA. The intention of this guide is to provide consolidated information on different 5G topics in a simple and easy-to-understand format. The information in this guide is specifically chosen for potential end users of industrial 5G solutions. This guide outlines both the general information about 5G for users that want to learn the basics as well as more in-depth information for users that are looking to deploy and use 5G themselves.

For those interested in the basics, what is new in 5G, and how it benefits users:
Practical Guide to NPN Deployment Options
Four NPN Deployment Options Derived from 3GPP Standards for Enterprises
Attributes of the NPN Deployment Options
Comparison of NPN Deployment Options
5G User Guide
5G NPN Deployment Options
The options for deploying NPNs are described here. They are: isolated, integrated with public networks, and implemented as a slice...
5G User Guide
5G Architecture (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
5G Use Cases (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
What is a UE (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
Network Slicing (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
5G QoS for Industrial Automation
What is 5G QoS and what is it good for?
5G User Guide
Beamforming (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
3GPP Releases and Their Implementation
3GPP issues releases containing technical specifications for new features. This chapter explains what a 3GPP release is, how it is...
5G User Guide
5G Frequency Ranges
3GPP has specified two frequency ranges for 5G: sub-7 GHz bands and mmWave bands. Information on both ranges and the...
5G User Guide
Spectrum Availability for 5G
Depending on the applicable regulations, there are a number of ways to obtain spectrum for use. Various options are outlined...
5G User Guide
National and Regional Regulations (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
Service Level Specifications (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
Performance Testing of 5G Systems for Industrial Automation
The important aspects for testing the performance of a 5G system for industrial automation are outlined here. They include the...
5G User Guide
5G Device Certification (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
Current and future availability of technology (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
Important subtopics for operating one’s own network (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
Important subtopics for networks operated by service providers (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
Further FAQ Section (coming soon)
Coming soon
5G User Guide
Utilize 5G or Wait for 6G?
Find out here why 5G technology should be implemented and used now instead of waiting for 6G.