Our Structure
The 5G-ACIA management team comprises three main groups: The 5G-ACIA Board – led by the General Chair and General Vice-Chair, Working groups – led by Working Group Chairs and Vice-Chairs, The 5G-ACIA Office – led by the Secretary

The 5G-ACIA Board is composed of a certain number of high-level representatives from the member organizations. They discuss 5G-ACIA’s work strategy, decide in case of disputes, and advise 5G-ACIA’s organizational bodies. The Board meets on a regular basis. Members are as of January 2024:

Dr. Andreas Müller

Dr. Afif Osseiran

Juha Mirsch

Niels König

Josef Eichinger

Uwe Rüddenklau

Jagadeesh Dantuluri

Andreas Pfaff

Dr. David T Chen

Dr. Omar Elloumi

Takehiro Nakamura

Frank Hakemeyer

Zhigang Gao

Katrin Kunz

Klaus Bauer
The 5G-ACIA Plenary is constituted by representatives of the member companies. They meet every 2-3 months to discuss and decide on the ongoing work and new work items.
The 5G-ACIA General Assembly meets once a year. Among other responsibilities, it elects the 5G-ACIA Chair, the 5G-ACIA Deputy Chair, the 5G-ACIA Board, and the Chairs of the Working Groups. In addition, it approves the 5G-ACIA budget.
5G-ACIA is chaired by:
General Chair: Dr. Andreas Müller (Bosch)
General Vice Chair: Dr. Afif Osseiran (Ericsson)
The 5G-ACIA Office supports 5G-ACIA in the day-to-day operations, such as office coordination, committee work, marketing and social media, press relations, fairs, meetings and events, member management, budget and accounting, IT infrastructure.