5G Capabilities
5G Industrial-Grade QoS
Distributed industrial applications rely on the quality of service (QoS) of the underlying communications system, which has to meet the application requirements in each case. 5G supports comprehensive mechanisms for defining, implementing, controlling, policing, and monitoring QoS.
What is industrial-grade QoS?
- Features that support QoS-adaptive applications and monitoring
- QoS aspects for Time Sensitive Networks
- QoS aspects in connection with different NPN deployment options
- Operation of 5G QoS via a 5G device’s exposure
5G Capabilities
5G Non Public Networks
A 5G non-public network (NPN, also some-times called a private network) provides 5G network services to a clearly defined user organisation or group of organisations. The 5G non-public network is deployed on the organisation’s defined premises, such as a campus or a factory.
What is a NPN Network?
- Isolation from other networks for reasons of performance (privacy and safety)
- Accountability – responsibility for availability maintenance and operation
- High quality-of-service requirements
- High security requirements, met by dedicated security credentials
5G Capabilities
5G Shopfloor Integration
Wireless communication is essential for the Smart Factory and Industry 4.0 because it enables seamless, pervasive, and scalable connectivity among machines, people, and sensors.
The biggest challenge is the seamless integration into the manufacturing area and the technologies used or planned there.
What is Shopfloor Integration?
- Industrial communication network technologies based on IEC 61784-2
- OPC-UA Framework based on IEC 62541
- Industrial Automation Control System
based on ISA/IEC 62443 - Integrating 5G into Industry 4.0 by de-
fining a 5G Digital Twin