March 9, 2022

Web Seminar: Three 5G-ACIA Endorsed Testbeds on URLCC, Open RAN and Intra-Logistics

The Web Seminar is free of charge. | Watch on demand via below link.
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The 3rd 5G-ACIA Web Seminar series focuses on testing of Industrial 5G. The first Web Seminar will give an overview on 5G-ACIA’s perspective on testing and explains what 5G-ACIA’s testbed endorsement is all about. In this context, testing types as selected in the White Paper (Selected Testing and Validation Considerations for Industrial Communication with 5G Technologies) are discussed taking a closer look at performance testing as presented in White Paper (Performance Testing of 5G Systems for Industrial Automation) and certification in 5G-ACIA.

The following Web Seminar sessions are dedicated to the 5G-ACIA endorsed testbeds. Following the call for 5G testbeds from Autumn 2020, fourteen 5G-ACIA members and two non-5G-ACIA members collaborated creating seven unique testbeds up to now. Testbed members will present their use case, their 5G solution and – if the testbed is already mature – first results.

Deterministic 5G URLLC for Industrial Automation Testbed (DURST)

Dr. Ing. Marius Corici (Fraunhofer FOKUS)

As we had the chance to have under controllable conditions a complete and fully equipped factory shopfloor, the test factory at Fraunhofer IPK and a comprehensive 5G network based on Huawei RAN equipment and Fraunhofer FOKUS Open5GCore, we have done a set of comprehensive measurements using an automatically guided AGV. This presentation reports on these measurements and the further recommendations for an ultra-reliable and low latency network.

5G SA Open RAN Testbed for communication and Localization, Challenges and opportunities

Ralph Duemmler (Fraunhofer IIS)

Overview of the planning, implementation and first testing in our 5G SA OpenRan based Campus network. Many Challenges were based on the Open Ran based architecture but we overcome most of them. We are now in the phase of first real testing and will show some base results and figures for performance and stability. Main focus currently is communication, localization will follow Q1 and Q2 2022. Finally a brief outlook on what more is to come in our testbed as well as active projects together with partners/customers.

5G for Material Handling in Manufacturing

Lutz Rauchhaupt (ifak)

The presented testbed in the DEMAG Research Factory consists of a 5G campus network provided by Nokia and intralogistics equipment like overhead-travelling-cranes, hoists, and AGVs. The testbed comprises two parts that can be used independently or in combination. One part comprises the demonstrator consisting of the 5G system and machinery for intra-logistics and manufacturing. The second part is added to the testbed for dedicated testing sessions. It consists of measurement and testing equipment provided by R&S and ifak that is used to specifically generate application traffic in order to assess radio frequency parameters and to evaluate performance and dependability from an application perspective.

Other Webinars

November 5, 2024
5G-ACIA Webinar | Advancing Industrial Connectivity: OPC UA and 5G NPN Scenarios
We welcome you to join the 5G-ACIA web seminar. It is free of charge.
October 29, 2024
5G-ACIA Webinar | Exploring 5G Industrial Devices and Edge Computing Architectures
We welcome you to join the 5G-ACIA web seminar. It is free of charge.
April 11, 2024
Web Seminar: Two 5G-ACIA Endorsed Testbeds on Open RAN & Positioning and 5G mmWave
Watch the recording of the web seminar free of charge via the link below.
March 19, 2024
Web Seminar: Two 5G-ACIA Endorsed Testbeds on Material Handling and Mobile Robotics
Watch the recording of the web seminar free of charge via the link below.
February 27, 2024
Web Seminar: Two 5G-ACIA Endorsed Testbeds on 5G Industry Campus and PROFINET and PROFIsafe over 5G
Watch the recording of the web seminar free of charge via the link below.
June 30, 2020
5G-ACIA Web Seminar: 5G for the Industrial IoT – An Overview
Dr. Andreas Mueller (Bosch), Dr. Afif Osseiran (Ericsson)